>The Errors of Redesigns and the joys of RSS
Recently gawker media changed the layout design of all their blogs this included 2 that I read Gizmodo and Lifehacker. I'll just tell you right now it's a horrible redesign it is as if they thought how can I make this as unreadable as possible. Before you would scroll down a single column and view the stories and is was all very easy to read and chronologically ordered. Now there is a setup like some one wants to bring tables back. You've got the main pane where the article sits or when you first open the pages multiple articles might be and on the side is a column listing the stories(with out times or dates listed) and an even smaller blurb about the story than before. One of my gripes about Gawker blogs is how shorts the blurbs were before and then you open the story and well the story was like 2 lines longer. This has actually gotten worse.
"We're sorry you're unhappy with the redesign. Have you tried our "Classic" view? Visit www.site.com/classic/ (e.g. www.io9.com/classic/) for an experience more similar to the old sites. Our goal was to make the front page lighter and simpler to scan, while also emphasizing big feature stories that we've written. The fact is that we spend a lot of time creating cool, original articles for our sites, but sometimes they would get lost in that long, long blog scroll. This way, we can splash them as big as we want! And not sacrifice load time. For a more in-depth explanation for the redesign, you can read this post by Gawker Media publisher Nick Denton: http://lifehacker.com/5701749.
Jimmy N.